Blog simple

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text printing
Embrace cake in your transformation
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the rapid advancement of new technologies in the market? It’s...
Why being nice matters
As an analytics professional exploring the exciting world of AI, I’ve been pondering an intriguing...
We are live!
Deerdata is live! Today, we're thrilled to announce that we've transitioned from stealth mode to...
First week at Deerdata
Hello, friends, followers and fawns! I hope you're all having a fantastic week. It's been...
Hello Rudolph
So, many of you (well, one person) have been asking who Rudolph is. Let us...
Stop spamming me! Personalize now!
I expect personalization. Period! Customers expect personalization Most customers expect personalization these days. I want...
Our Office policy
Here at Deerdata, we have an office-first policy, emphasizing the importance of a collaborative workspace...
Lost in the Metaverse: Everyone but Lex and Mark
Digital transformation strategy is more important than ever as companies navigate AI, the metaverse, and...