Our story

Celebrating our first Deerdata summer conference
Happy summer from the Deerdata team! 🦌 Our first summer conference was a special occasion, filled with reflection, gratitude, and memorable moments. Here’s a look at the key highlights from our day together: Our Incredible Team We are proud to...
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Busy hippo in the office
Busy is the new stupid
We all have biases, whether acknowledged or not. Consider this: How many of your friends are of the opposite gender and between 20-30 years younger or older than you? Not many, right? This shows our inherent bias toward those similar...
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Lena embracing Deerdata's ‘office-first policy’ in a doorless, unheated cottage in Josefines garden—proof that warmth is overrated
Our Office policy
Here at Deerdata, we have an office-first policy, emphasizing the importance of a collaborative workspace and coming into the office sometimes. Currently, our Stockholm office resides in Josefines Garden. It comes with a breathtaking view of a lake, lovely, but...
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Hello Rudolph
So, many of you (well, one person) have been asking who Rudolph is. Let us introduce you to him. Rudolph is our digital assistant. He knows everything about automation and ensures that we are automating our processes safely wherever we...
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First week at Deerdata
Hello, friends, followers and fawns! I hope you're all having a fantastic week. It's been a busy yet exciting first week here at Deerdata. We're currently juggling two ongoing projects while also streamlining our administrative processes. (Geez, I should have...
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